Saturday, October 02, 2010
Hello, you.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I find a bar of chocolate at the end of any rainbow
One day I'll change this into a food blog :D I'm no good with blogging my opinions and feelings anyway. It might be because I'm a pretty guarded person considering that this is the internet and I've got people from other countries reading my blog. I don't think my blog's even worth your time. I'm no beauty nor an Einstein. Quite the contrary actually. I like most things to remain private. Some (most) of the things I say arent 100% heartfelt. Example, I'm not really in love with Channing Tatum. I just think he's hot along with every other female surfacing this planet. So really, why read something you already know isnt 100% true.
On the contrary, my PASSION is FOOD so yes every word written on this blog would be tummyfelt, oops i meant heartfelt. I get that glint in my eye similar to ones little kids get on Christmas morning whenever I see, smell, think, hear or feel food. When I say hear I mean the solid snap when you break chocolate. The more quantity of cocoa and the better the tempering, the louder the snap would be and the louder the snap the better the chocolate. Chocolate isn't meant to be eaten when one's distracted. To fully appreciate the aphrodisiac properties of chocolate you're gonna have to engage all your senses. Oh look! I'm already excited. Okay I'll leave that to when I actually start this food blog :D
Its not denial. I'm just really selective about the reality I accept.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
FIFAAAA, Aussie vs Germany
HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:33 PM):
isnt that a good thing?
Serene says (10:34 PM):
is what?
HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:34 PM):
a job
Serene says (10:34 PM):
you barracking for the opposing team?!
HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:34 PM):
a french pastisserie
and yes
im barracking for germany
There proof. I cant believe you're gonna betray the country you're currently stepping foot on!
Saturday, June 05, 2010
The Deepest Passion, Obsession, Despair
I tried to leave you.
Your love holds me here.
Now if you mean to be indifferent to me at least do me the favor of releasing me.
~Wuthering Heights
Saturday, May 29, 2010
a trip down nostalgia lane
I cant help to think someday i'll be forgotten by the ones who impacted my life the most. Affinity decreases in time when one's miles away from the other, and I have to accept that no matter how long it takes. I know eventually there will be someone better, smarter, prettier, to replace me (if i ever did play a significant role in your life at all, this i dont know). If only that could apply to me too but unfortunately my heart has a mind of its own and it doesnt want to let you go or let anyone in.
Deep down inside, I despised getting to know you, for because of that i cant seem to stop thinking about you. It's like you're this annoying fly buzzing around my head, invading my thoughts whenever tickles your fancy and totally diverting them to all that you are. It's like you're dancing around my head, leaving trails of memories for me to reminisce on. I often find myself smiling whenever you pop up in my head, which trust me, happens frequently. Most things tend to lead back to you somehow. Or maybe im just finding a reason to link everything to you. I dont know.
You're a major influence to me and the more i unintentionally find out about you the more I fall for you. ARGGHHH! this is soo frustrating! I block you on MSN because i think that's the only way for me to get over you and move on with my freaking life without having to think about you at all. I DONT want you to pop in my head every 5 mins but at the same time I do because you're what makes me smile.
This is getting out of hand, I compare every guy who has the guts to ask me out to you and once again such audacity is put to waste. None of them is ever good enough.
I know im not worth the wait but as hard as it is for me to say this, at this point I doubt my feelings for you would change, not even with time. If I think of you constantly, does that mean I'm falling for you? My mind says go away! My heart says stay. I guess this is what happens when the heart and mind collides.
Reminiscing about the past spent with you is like my 'happy place'. It's like reminiscing is my way of escaping reality. Can one actually escape reality or live by feeding on mere memories and still stay sane? Doubt it.
Btw this is greatly exaggerated.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
stupefied O.O
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Blogging Hiatus
Eventhough I'm having a shitty day I still take lively and cordial interest in your affairs so please be totally inconsiderate and tell me how bad your day is too. That way we can share our misery together over a hot cup of mocha :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from 'A' to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My fingers in creases of distant dark places
I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence
As drunken men find flaws in science
Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me
I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
And I, I pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
my love for my mum's as big as the ocean! :D
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
P.S. I Love You
One day I'm gonna take a trip to Ireland with my girlies in search for irish men ;)

Monday, May 03, 2010
what's wrong? and what's right?
Sunday, May 02, 2010
imma pink fluffy bunny
Friday, April 23, 2010
desperation....refer to my blog heading
Okay enough with the formalities and to my point!
Why do I see people being in relationships with other people they're not madly in love with at such an early age? We're meant to be studying! Who has time for a relationship? As long as you have good friends to rely on, you're all good. Gosh I sound like my parents but oh well it's true. I dont go out finding for love but that doesnt mean im emotionless. I'll rather wait till some decent guy comes along with red roses and dark bitter chocolates and hopefully a cartier diamond ring :)
Maybe I strongly disagree on dating at this age because I've seen too many flings and heartbreaks.