Saturday, June 19, 2010

I find a bar of chocolate at the end of any rainbow

I'm a girl who gives off a friend-only vibe. Why? Relationships are too confusing.

One day I'll change this into a food blog :D I'm no good with blogging my opinions and feelings anyway. It might be because I'm a pretty guarded person considering that this is the internet and I've got people from other countries reading my blog. I don't think my blog's even worth your time. I'm no beauty nor an Einstein. Quite the contrary actually. I like most things to remain private. Some (most) of the things I say arent 100% heartfelt. Example, I'm not really in love with Channing Tatum. I just think he's hot along with every other female surfacing this planet. So really, why read something you already know isnt 100% true.

On the contrary, my PASSION is FOOD so yes every word written on this blog would be tummyfelt, oops i meant heartfelt. I get that glint in my eye similar to ones little kids get on Christmas morning whenever I see, smell, think, hear or feel food. When I say hear I mean the solid snap when you break chocolate. The more quantity of cocoa and the better the tempering, the louder the snap would be and the louder the snap the better the chocolate. Chocolate isn't meant to be eaten when one's distracted. To fully appreciate the aphrodisiac properties of chocolate you're gonna have to engage all your senses. Oh look! I'm already excited. Okay I'll leave that to when I actually start this food blog :D

Its not denial. I'm just really selective about the reality I accept.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

FIFAAAA, Aussie vs Germany

Watch it! 4.30 am :) and I trust all you Australians are gonna stay loyal to your country by barracking for your own flippin country....unlike heng.

HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:33 PM):
isnt that a good thing?
Serene says (10:34 PM):
is what?
HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:34 PM):
a job
Serene says (10:34 PM):
you barracking for the opposing team?!
HengTuanzzzzz =Þ Sleepies taim after 26 hours =P says (10:34 PM):
a french pastisserie
and yes
im barracking for germany

There proof. I cant believe you're gonna betray the country you're currently stepping foot on!
My mom just called me chubby. That's it I'm dieting.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Deepest Passion, Obsession, Despair

I pray one prayer, I repeat it till my tongue stiffens.
Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living!
You say I killed you,
Haunt me, then!
Be with me always,
Take any form, drive me mad,
only do not leave me in this abyss,
where i cannot find you!
I cannot live without my life.
I cannot live without my soul.

I tried to leave you.

Your love holds me here.

Now if you mean to be indifferent to me at least do me the favor of releasing me.

~Wuthering Heights